To continue Jesus’ mission, we must support Easley FUMC with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness. Part of that support is giving our tithes and offerings.
We have several options for giving:
To set up your online giving, follow these steps:
EFUMC will be charged a transaction fee of 2.75% for credit cards and 1% for checking and savings donations. Please check the boxes under each to offset the costs.
If you are searching for just the right gift for someone or for an appropriate lasting remembrance for a deceased relative or friend, you may consider a monetary gift to the church.
Sometimes donors designate their gifts for a specific aspect of the church’s ministry. For example, gifts may be designated for missions, youth activities, choir ministry, or even the budget. Designated gifts are always used in ministry as donors request.
If donations are undesignated, the Memorial Committee, working under the Board of Trustees, decides how to use the gifts. Undesignated gifts are used to enhance the aesthetic quality and worshipful atmosphere of the church buildings and grounds. The Committee takes care to avoid maintenance projects or budgetary items usually handled by the Trustees.
If you have questions or need more information about how memorial or honorary gifts are used, please talk with our minister, a Memorial Committee member, or a Trustee.