Life at Easley First United Methodist Church centers around worship. Through worship, we praise God, observe the sacraments of the church, and grow closer to each other. Worship also gives us the opportunity to hear and live God’s Word.
We would love to have you worship with us!
Because people experience God through different worship styles, we offer both contemporary and traditional services in our sanctuary. Both services include the same scripture, sermon, friendly atmosphere, and open-hearted welcome.
Our contemporary worship begins at 8:45 a.m. Our praise team provides musical leadership with selections ranging from popular worship songs to rewritten versions of familiar hymns. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated each Sunday. In keeping with the United Methodist understanding of the sacrament, all who are present are invited to receive Holy Communion, regardless of age or church affiliation. God’s grace is available to all.
Our 11:00 a.m. traditional service is a classic United Methodist worship service. Our choir, organ, piano, handbells, and other ensembles lead the congregation in hymns as well as provide anthems and other special music. Musical selections, prayers, and liturgy are selected for a unified message with scripture and sermons. The sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month, and all who are present are invited to receive Holy Community. God’s grace is available to all, so age or church affiliation do not matter.
Not everyone can worship in person. That doesn’t mean you have to miss out on all the benefits! EFUMC offers a live-streamed worship service on our Facebook page each Sunday morning at 8:45 a.m. and at 11:00 a.m. Worshiping online with us is a great way to be a part of the church community when you can’t worship in person. You can still follow along with the service, and you won’t miss out on important announcements or messages.
We always offer a combined worship service when a month has five Sundays. The fifth Sunday combined service begins at 10:30 a.m. and incorporates music from both contemporary and traditional services. Throughout the year, we also have combined worship services at special times.
Children are always welcome in our worship services. Children’s worship bags are available in the narthex, and “Children’s Moments” are always included in our services. We also have a nursery for children younger than five years old. The nursery is adjacent to the sanctuary.